
Lawyer Speak

What do lawyers mean?

I listened to Herb Titus present two talks today at the
SuperWorldview Conference sponsored by AmericanVision and
other Christian organizations. His talks about how state
governments may successfully circumvent Federal law which is
outside of the Federal constitution’s 10th amendment were
presented well. Unfortunately the whole idea of separation of
Church (religion) and State (civil law) is still a confused

This was evident in the question and answer session tonight.
Two questions were asked about the influence of rival
“religions” on our Christian civil laws in a hope that Herb
would offer how Christians may cope or prevent further erosion
of Christian Constitutional law. Herb Titus attempted to
answer that our government was founded on “The Laws of Nature
and of Nature’s God” or was it — Christianity? He was forced
to define “religion” and simply stated a political (civil)
definition is that it is those “things” that we owed our
Creator which the civil authority had no jurisdiction. But
then what “law” prevents the State from (re)defining religion
any way it wants? What would prevent what some justices are
saying — that our constitution is a living and changing
document interpreted at the whim of judges? I don’t think
either of the two questions were really ever answered.

Is our U.S. Constitution a Christian document, as one of
Herb’s booklet titles suggests, or is it not? We only should
use a constitutional amendment process to change what
is in error. Article VI paragraph 3 is in error. A religious
oath must be required of our Federal officials. We must
hold them accountable to the Bible.


Technology changes things, or does it?

 I attended on the Internet this
morning with my wife and daughter-in-law. It seemed different
than those Billy-Graham televised sermons of years ago or was
it? The message was the same: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The thought came to me that maybe, just maybe, the United
States doesn’t have to go through a complete meltdown in order
for our culture to once again embrace Spiritual Truth. The
message of Christ, the milk [Hebrews 5:12], is still being
preached whether at or by Billy’s son Franklin
Graham. However, growth does appear to be missing.
Christians in the United States are babies who “need milk not
solid food”.

“Solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers
of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish
good from evil.” [Hebrews 5:14] So, is Nationalizing health
care good or evil? What about that macro-economic sticky
question: since the government literally creates currency can
it be guilty of theft? Or other political (State) economic
questions need answers. When is a robin-hood (take from the
rich to give to the poor) policy evil? When is it good? For
what policies?

In just a few days I’ll be in the middle of a conference
hearing about “How Christians Will Change the Future”. I hope
it won’t be just another conference where people attend get
oooohed and aaaaahed during the event but basically remain the
same afterward. I hope it does have a lasting effect. We
sure do need mature Christians to reshape and redirect our
future (culture).

In years past, I would have used a concordance and a paper
Bible to refresh my memory of these quoted Bible verses.
Tonight I just used my Olive Tree Bible and software on my
cell phone. Technology doesn’t really change the core values
or issues within a culture it only provides us better tools.


Is Biblical Macro-Economics an Oxymoron?

Our church holds weekly Men’s Bible studies. We usually have
a layman-led _Man in the Mirror_ video-taped lesson taught by
their founder, Patrick Morley. Patrick has been successful
teaching men for over 30 years. As with many similar
organizations, economic lessons have been popular recently.
When applied to individuals and groups the Bible offers much
wisdom: avoid debt, don’t cheat, live within less than 80% of
income (don’t covet) giving at least 10% back to God and
saving at least 10%. Dave Ramsey has made a fortune teaching
these straight-forward Biblical principles. But, _Man in the
Mirror_ follows the politically-correct secularist view when
it comes to macro-economics. I have heard it time and again.
“We don’t live in a Theocracy anymore.” “Old Testament
Judicial (national civil) law is invalid.”

What biblical exegesis is offered for this opinion?
Seriously, I don’t think there is any. A few months back
Patrick found himself on an airplane sitting next to the
U.S. congressman, Ric Keller. Ric asked Patrick for advice on
decisions he needed to make concerning economic stimulus
“bailout” bills he needed to vote on. Patrick, said “I can’t
offer any advice at all for you on this.” Granted, Patrick
may not be personally knowledgeable with respect to
macro-economics from a biblical perspective but over the 30
years of teaching men on a national scale, certainly he would
know a bank president, CPA, or other financial expert who
consciously wants to place God and the Bible as the authority
in their profession; someone who would or should know the
answer. No, Patrick didn’t have a person, book, author, or
web-site to direct Ric toward. He didn’t even accept this as
a challenge: what does the Bible say about macro-economics?

Even though no exegesis is offered there is no stopping
unbiblical teaching in this area. In a later lesson, “What
Jesus has to say about the Old Testament”, Patrick says “He
[Jesus Christ] fulfills the judicial law with His
resurrection. If you were to look in I Peter 2:9 and 10 you
would find that the church is God’s new nation. We don’t live
in a theocracy anymore, we live in the church ….” Just a
few questions shows his confusion of church authority with
civil authority. Why is murder a civil crime if we don’t live
in a nation anymore but in the church? Did the New Testament
church negate the political governments in their day? I asked
Patrick for clarification or a biblical exegesis of this
opinion since it contradicts the one I have read by Dr. Greg
Bahnsen found in _Theonomy in Christian Ethics_. I encouraged
him to contact a seminary professor who would and could answer
the question. I got the usual cold shoulder – dead silence.

Patrick and others like him, such as Dr. Richard Land of the
Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
(ERLC), think they have the upper hand in terms of numbers.
In _The Divided States of America_ Richard Land identifies the
dominionists (reconstructionists) as the “loony fringe”; those
who actually have a biblical exegesis which shows the Bible
does have something to say about macro-economics. There is a
biblical parallel. That generation of Israelites who left
Egypt for the promised land also thought they had the upper
hand in terms of numbers. Indeed, it was the entire nation of
Israel vs Joshua, Caleb, Moses, and maybe Aaron and Mirium.
God answered the revolting majority by swallowing the leader
of the revolt, Korah, in an earthquake. In 1984, after the
United States had abandoned biblical macro-economics
over 50 years earlier, Dr. Gary North wrote in
_Inherit the Earth — Biblical Principles of Economics_ “we
are self-consciously firing the opening shot. We are calling
the whole Christian community to join with us in a very
serious debate, just as Luther called them to debate him when
he nailed the 95 theses to the church door, over four and a
half centuries ago. It is through such an exchange of ideas
by those who take the Bible seriously that a nation and a
civilization can be saved.” What’s the result? In the 25 years
since, not much. Thus, The economic earthquake Gary and
others have predicted for quite some time is about to swallow
us all.

However, not all is lost. God always saves a remnant. See to find out how the
remnant may instigate “the great reversal”.


Oklahoma’s 10-Commandments Monument

My Oklahoma house representative has proposed a bill to allow a privately funded 10-Commandments granite monument be placed on the state capitol grounds. Even in a red state like Oklahoma it has drawn vocal opposition crying “separation of church and state”. The press has been fair in its reporting. No taxpayer money is involved. Representative Dr. Mike Ritze said he wants Oklahomans to be reminded of our historical roots but is their more of a motive? Several have asked that in their letters to our local papers. I wondered too. Here is my letter to our local paper, The Broken Arrow Ledger.

What is it that directs our actions?

If you remember _Braveheart_ and Mel Gibson’s character, William Wallace, shouting “FREEDOM” with his last breath as he was tortured to death you get my meaning. What is this inner part, conscience, heart, or sole, of a person which dictates nearly every action he takes? Actions of one rise up in opposition to what is strongly believed evil or at least wrong action in others. As the napkin fell out of Mel’s hand, we understood William Wallace’s action in opposition to the English because of their rape and murder of not just any innocent victim but his own wife. To William this wasn’t just a crime of English people, but a crime of civil English law which said such action was legal. Mel, as director, got his point across. Righteous indignation leading to action opposing civil evil was worth fighting, and yes even dying, for.

Why does House Congressman Dr. Ritze want to place a 10-Commandments monument outside the State Capitol building? I think his intent is fairly presented by our media. But why would he want this reminder of the Christian history of our state and nation so close to civil courtrooms? He freely admits there is no *legal* civil relevance today. Is he out to get a reaction from those who disagree? Is he simply wanting some kind of public debate on this?

I say, let’s go. Righteous indignation against this proposed law is deserved. The state (capitol building) needs to remain separated from the church (God’s 10 Commandments). History was then. Today is now and now people behave civilly one toward another not because of God’s 10 Commandments but because of — something else.

All is not lost if Ritze’s bill becomes law and passes judicial muster. The path will have been cleared. One may propose other granite monuments at no taxpayer expense of one’s own version of the 10 Commandments, or whatever else one believes defines (or should define) the civil conscience of a people.

In the process, one may come to believe True Christianity has no reasonable rivals. Perhaps this is Dr. Ritze’s real intent?


Truth Telling

My wife and I attended the Radio City Rockettes Christmas
Spectacular here in Tulsa December 23rd. It was a good show.
It’s been a while since I took advantage of a top-notch
production such as this. It was rather sad that the BOK Center
was less than half full. It was definitely a ‘Christmas’
production and not merely a ‘holiday’ thing. Any doubt that
Christ was the center of Christmas was removed when the Santa
story gave way to Scripture reading, nativity scenes, and the
tunes and lyrics of familiar Christmas Carols such as the last
verse of ‘Joy to the World’:

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.

My wife and I have been studying the Bible book of Daniel. The
author of the study series, Beth Moore, relayed the historical
event Daniel foretold about Greece conquering the world. The
most important book to ever be assembled, was done during the
Greek empire: the Septuigent. This was the most common form of
the Old Testament during Christ’s lifetime on earth. The
ubiquitous Greek language was important in the spread of the
Gospel since all of the New Testament writers used Greek as the
language for, what were to become, the books of the New

Much of the Greek empire ignored the “Most High God”. Even
Alexander the Great was cut down in his prime for his sin of
pride. Whether or not the high-kicking Rockettes appealed to
prurient interests the Christmas spectacular was successful in
Truth-telling that night; just as God used the Greek language to
spread His gospel.


ERLC how-do-you-separate-church-and-state

This blog has been inactive for some time. I have had, at times, a lively discussion with others at the Ethics and Religious Liberty web site of the Southern Baptists ( where I’ve been discussing the idea of putting our Federal government back on the same foundation as our Declaration of Independence as well as most of the 13 State Constitutionss. This foundation, the God of the Bible, is not the same governmental foundation that Southern Baptists are proud of, i.e., American leaders such as Roger Williams and John LeLand. From their own writings these two believed political government was to be secular, not under the authority of the God of the Bible. This discussion had several posters come and go in the over-200 posts. Most simply gave their opinions politely rejecting mine. Truthfully, I don’t know what to say anymore. I have shared my opinion and tied it to exegesis of Scripture using citations and materials by Dr. Greg Bahnsen, and Dr. Gary North. I have asked for the Southern Baptist exegesis to justify a secular civil government and all that has been offered was “Harry’s vision of this stuff ignores large swathes of the New Testament and completely misrepresents the Gospel” by the ERLC moderator, Matt.

I keep asking for God’s mind in the matter as I pray for Matt and other posters in this situation. The answer seems to be that the lack of love within the body of Christ, which includes submitting to one another as Scripture reveals error, is simply missing. God’s Word says the world, non-believer, will be convinced Christians literally are who they say they are from their love one for each other. Maybe the sad state of Christianity in the Western world, including here in the USA, is for this very reason?

Are Southern Baptist political positions as voiced at just another special intrest group pushing their opinions? Is it just another type of humanism because the authority of Jesus Christ over politics is denied in spite of the obvious Biblical source for these positions?


Christianity and Local Politics

I attended the Republican District Convention yesterday. The convention began with a prayer offered in Jesus’ name. The enemy hasn’t taken all things – yet. Many candidates for delegate to the national republican convention were given time (1-3 minutes) to speak. I remember several stating they were a Christian. This was well and good but really didn’t offer much help in itself as to how they would behave as a national delegate. I actually respected the candidates who mentioned they would behave as a delegate according to the “rule of law” better. I don’t think I’ll soon forget the one candidate who started his speech by holding his Bible up high and saying in a loud voice “I believe in this”. I can’t say this is not relevant, but what is to prevent ‘red flags’ from going up in listener’s ears? “Does he believe the Bible as *I* do” one might ask? “Would he squash state’s rights in an effort to cram his view of biblical ethics down our throats at the federal level” another may ask?

Most Christian clergy don’t have a biblical political philosophy. How can we expect their members to have anything better? Yet, there is no avoiding it. Our opponents have a political philosophy and are carrying it out. A Christian must have an exegesis of political philosophy otherwise when Sally Kern says things like she did, who among us Christians have enough biblical understanding to either confirm or deny what she has said?

A fat person may still be healthy and may live to an age where obesity is not a cause of death. Maybe they know it is inherently wrong to be obese and thus set limits over themselves? Maybe the diets they call failures have actually been successes to keep them from becoming an unhealthy obese person? I have seen at least one obese person literally eat themselves to an early grave because they tossed aside doctor’s and other’s warnings. As a society we would silence ones evil enough to call obesity good, who desire to teach its benefit of ‘all the candy a child would want’. The evidence is in the much higher medical costs and mortality rates of the obesity proponents. So it is with sexual fornication and homosexuality in particular.

God goes even further. His law/history book is full of instruction as well as example of what happens to societies who condone this evil behavior.

But, does our society’s “rule of law” even permit sodomy, etc. to be enforcible any more?


A Riddle

In a conclusion of a long discussion with a Christian brother concerning the subject of political moral philosophy I resorted to name-calling. I called him both a pietist and antinomian with regard to this subject. His response: “Why do you insist on applying labels to me that you know I am not familiar with?” How does his response betray both his pietism and his antinomian belief?

Hints: from
1 capitalized : a 17th century religious movement originating in Germany in reaction to formalism and intellectualism and stressing Bible study and personal religious experience.
2 a: emphasis on devotional experience and practices b: affectation of devotion

1 : one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation.
2 : one who rejects a socially established morality


Is Death Penalty Moral?

Jonathan V. Last wrote a column in the opinion section of the November 25th edition of the _Sunday Tulsa World_ newspaper. In “Morality: The only real legal argument” he presents an opinion of why a conservative should abolish the death penalty for most murderers.

I agree that of the three reasons given as to why the United States should or should not have capital punishment the one which applies is the moral issue. Constitutionality, or practicality hold no argument. I also agree with Jonathan that the moral question involves the state taking “divine authority unto itself”. His conclusion of this argument is true. “The enactment of capital punishment is something like the establishment of a state religion.”

Jonathan does a good job in a short amount of space to narrow the subject down to these valid points. Richard Land, of the Southern Baptist National Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission or Dr. James Dobson would be forced to take a different logical argument than I am about to make because they, in agreement with most of the Christian ethics experts, believe in a non-Christian pluralistic civil government.

Jonathan mentions “justice and mercy are necessarily in conflict” to say “society [should] choose mercy over justice”. Where he goes wrong is to hint that justice may simply go away. In a legal system where mercy is encouraged, justice is always served. Well, at least “justice” as defined by humans. Mercy involves voluntary behavior. Where is the “justice” in forcing taxpayers, maybe even close members of the victim’s family, to pay the cost of life-time imprisonment for the murderer? Isn’t this a perversion of Justice itself, i.e., “the state arrogates divine authority unto itself”? So logic says for the state to either enact or abolish capital punishment is something like the establishment of a state religion. Yes, the state must make moral and ethical decisions. There is no avoiding the fact, it is God-like activity.

The Bible is full of examples discussing capital punishment, and in some cases the murderer is not put to death. Consider King David. He committed adultery with Bathsheba then manipulated things to get her husband murdered. He thought he got away with it until he was confronted by Nathan, a prophet. Israel under King David arguably was the most obedient to the national civil law given in Torah. David knew that if any other person were King he would have been stoned to death. Psalm 51:4 gives David’s confession “against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.” David realized that God placed the civil government and civil law and punishment as His vehicle for civil justice. This idea is repeated through the Old Testament where God judges nations, and not just Israel, for not following his standard of Righteousness and Justice. It is also confirmed in the New Testament in Romans 13 where the civil servant is described as God’s servant.

Although there may be argument about the mode of capital punishment, stoning vs more modern methods, capital punishment for first degree murder is wholly in line with God’s standard of Justice given in the Bible. In fact, wherever our civil government deviates from His Justice, we need to repent and resubmit to Scripture.


Hello Men

If 75% of Americans say they believe Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead but only 25% believe the Bible is without error and useful for discerning good from evil then there are roughly 50% in the middle. When Americans were asked if they would describe themselves as being a “Christian”, 75% agreed it fits, but when actions are tested against a biblical worldview less than 5% of Americans line up. There’s even a bigger gap here.

Our company allows us Christians to gather at lunch time for a Bible study once a week. The latest chatter was astounding to me. One blurted out “It looks like Hillary is unstoppable”. Another said he was leaning toward Gulliani in spite of his bleak pro-life stand, but hoped Fred Thompson would turn into a viable candidate because he had a slightly better pro-life plank. These fellows had already dismissed Mike Huckabee for some reason (not viable?) and dismissed Ron Paul as an unelectable libertarian. One even told me his main source of news is National Public Radio (NPR) and he believed it to be relatively unbiased. What’s the point? Just as what a person eats affects a person’s growth, health, strength, energy, etc. so it is with information. If we accept information from ungodly sources it will be tainted with non-biblical worldviews which are difficult to discover or filter. As a result thinking will be non-biblical too. Hebrews, in chapter 5 verses 12-14, speaks to this using a similar food analogy. Why not read it?