

There is so much, both for and against the Covid 19
vaccinations available. Most people seek out the
sources which feed their pre-suppositional worldview.
Who is the wise person willing to change their mind if
shown another belief makes more sense?

‘”Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
Pilate said to him “What is truth?”‘ [Gospel of John
chapter 18 verses 37 and 38]. So, what is the truth
about Covid 19 treatments or vaccination options?

Certainly my effort here is not comprehensive nor
scientific, as in, referencing specific data. I’ve
been vaccinated myself but am trying to understand
others and their reasons why they are not vaccinated.

I have been trying to plan a trip to visit friends I
haven’t seen in years. The problem is my friends are
divided on the Covid vaccine issue. One, who is caring
for her 99-year-old mom said “I want to take no risks.
Make sure any adult you are in close contact with has
had their covid vaccine shots.” she says. Other friends
and relatives have refused the vaccinations for various

Let’s put this reason behind us. I think it is too bad
a major reason people choose not to be vaccinated is
because CDC, WHO, Fauci, government, etc. lied to us at
the start of Covid in early 2020. So, the response
today is “why believe them now?”. If this is your
reason, even though it’s true, then realize this has
nothing to do with science.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
exists to document unwanted side-effects of vaccines.
Covid 19 vaccinations are much more dangerous than other
vaccinations. The risk of death is 50 times greater
with Covid vaccination vs a flu vaccination. But also,
remember the first ones to be vaccinated were the
elderly, and those with complicating other conditions.
So, this ’50’ may be high. To put that in perspective,
the risk of death with covid, (0.026), is roughly 22
times more probable than risk of death (0.0012) of flu
cases. Another caveat is that many people who get the
flu never report to medical professionals and simply
ride it out. This would make the true number of flu
“cases” much higher. So, the 22 times may be much
higher. Covid 19 vaccinations do entail quite a bit of
risk. Is this a good reason to avoid the vaccination?
Perhaps. Among different age groups most medical
professionals DO believe the risk vs benefit is too
great for children. For the elderly most medical
professionals agree the EUA vaccines are well worth the

Now, what about the recent FDA full approval for
Pfizer’s vaccination. Well, Pfizer’s original vaccine
production rate was for many more people getting the
vaccination than have done so. Thus, much is sitting in
refrigerators somewhere. The FDA fully approved the
Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, or did it? The original
vaccine still is under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
where the government prohibits lawsuits against Pfizer
for its use. The newer BioNTech (Comirnaty) vaccine
from GmbH is supposed to be identical but IT is the one
FDA actually fully approved. I think Pfizer has too
much of the old stuff in stock and is looking to use it
up ASAP, with no legal problems for the dangerous side

What about other Covid 19 treatments like
hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? Hydroxychloroquine
was used by medical professionals early in 2020 to treat
Covid cases where nothing else worked and they had
moderate success. There were no official FDA studies
done on its efficacy though. Everything was hearsay: so
and so got better, or it didn’t help or it had fatal
side effect(s) due to treatment, etc. Anyway most
medical professionals moved away from hydroxychlorquine.
Those medical doctors willing to try – anything –
latched onto Ivermectin. It is very inexpensive. But,
similar to hydroxychloroquine there were no studies
using placebos, control groups, etc. to determine the
efficacy of Ivermectin. Also, the patent owner, Merck,
washed their hands of it for Covid use by saying it was
not designed nor approved for Covid use. My guess is
that Merck used the billions of dollars in research
funding they received from one of those Federal
Government trillions-of-dollars giveaways to tweak
Ivermectin to come up with a ‘new’ drug for Covid; one
they could sell for far more than Ivermectin.

Dr. Joseph Varen in Houston, TX, has reportedly been
using Ivermectin on thousands of patients. He claims he
has seen no serious negative side effects but also
admits that Ivermectin is combined with other vitamins,
drugs, and treatment. Again, those who want to
disparage Ivermectin as a Covid treatment will point to
those few cases where death has happened.

My conclusion is to get vaccinated or if you don’t want
the vaccination then buy a Covid 19 at-home test kit
such as “BinaxNOW”. Buy some Ivermectin. Be trained in
how to use the test kit. Be trained in how to
administer Ivermectin. Research how Dr. Joseph Varen
uses it. Don’t overdose on vitamins. Vitamin A can be
lethal in humans.

Other thoughts. Keep in mind the highest hits, or those
links at the top of searches are put there by the owners
of those search engines. But, you do have a worldview
and you already knew that. 🙂

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